Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Glimpse of My Future

It's hard to believe that at this time last year I was taking planes and trains across Europe on the spring break of a lifetime. Spring break this year is a bit different, but equally exciting. Mom, Davina, and I came out to Baltimore for a few days to see where my future is taking me. We arrived in Baltimore yesterday afternoon. Taking the rail from the airport to our hotel was a true realization of the racial and economic diversity of the city; it was interesting to say the least. After we checked in we spent the evening walking around, soaking up the sites and neighborhoods of the city. We wandered into Little Italy and had a huge, authentic, delicious supper at Amicci's, a great little place in the middle of a block of row houses. Of course a night out wouldn't be complete without drinks, so we went to a bar and threw a few back before calling it a night.
We were up bright and early this morning to go on a tour of the apartment building I applied for. It was a cold, windy day here in Baltimore, and we shivered as we walked through diverse neighborhoods on our way to the Johns Hopkins neighborhood. Getting there was well worth the walk. Walking across the campus, I was overwhelmed with excitement at what I saw and the people walking around. With police stationed in booths on each corner, it's obvious that it's not the safest neighborhood, but they do what they can to keep students and patients safe. The apartment building staff was warm and welcoming, and the tour reassured me that the apartment building was everything I hoped for. While the square footage leaves something to be desired, the hardwood flooring, granite countertops, proximity to campus, and abundant amenities certainly make up for it. It is my type of apartment, without a doubt, and I can see myself being a home there. After our tour we walked around the hospital and medical campus, where the sickest of patients come to be treated by the best of the best. Saying I was impressed by what I saw is an understatement. After we'd seen Johns Hopkins we walked down to the Inner Harbor. Baltimore is a diverse, cultural city, teeming with history. Walking along the docks and past all of the little stores and restaurants was a fun way to spend the day. We also visited a lighthouse, warmed up with some coffee, and did some shopping before heading to the museum that commemorates the creation of the Star Spangled Banner and the flag which it was written about. We headed back to our hotel for a rest and for their happy hour... they might rethink happy hour after having some Midwesterners take full advantage of all of the free beverages. ;) Since then we've called it a night and are relaxing in our hotel room, awaiting the Accepted Students Day at the School of Nursing tomorrow morning.
Some thoughts I have on Baltimore/my future...
-While I'm not a city girl, Baltimore is the type of city that I can actually see myself living in. It's a great mix of history and modern diversity and culture. Aside from the scary crime rate and the sketchy neighborhoods, I think it will be a good place to be.
-I'm excited beyond words to have been accepted at JHU. I'm ready to be with the best of the best, to be challenged, and to be studying something that truly interests me and will make a direct impact in my life and the lives of others. The fact that I've been accepted here is still surreal.
-Putting all excitement aside, I do have reservations about moving out here and going to such a prestigious school. It will be good, but it will also be a challenge. It will be trying and frustrating. It will be lonely at times. But as I talked to Mom about it today, I realized that stepping out of my comfort zone is how I grow as a person. Rising to a challenge and taking advantage of opportunity is what separates the mover and the shakers of this world from the rest. It's what makes leaders, thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators. It's what will make me all that I wish to become.

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